New Division created to lead crisis response efforts and protection needs in Chin State.

The Protection and Humanitarian Affairs Division has been created within CHRO to lead the organization’s efforts to respond to unfolding humanitarian crisis in Chin State, which is now literally a disaster in waiting. The Division aims to address the emerging humanitarian and protection needs of the already vulnerable population of western Myanmar, particularly, Chin State,

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom Public Hearing: Statement by Salai Bawi Lian

The United States Commission On International Religious Freedom Public Hearing  After The Saffron Revolution, Repression, And The U.S. Policy Option   For Burma” Statement By Salai Bawi Lian Of Chin Human Rights Organization The CapitolWashington DC-December 3, 2007  Thank you. Thank you very much Mr. Chairman and the honorable commission. A few months ago, the world

Persecution of Chin Christians in Burma By Salai Bawi Lian: International Conference on Persecuted

PERSECUTION OF CHIN CHRISTIANS IN BURMAA SPEECH DELIVEREDBY SALAI BAWI LIAN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOROF CHIN HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATION AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PERSECUTED CHURCHES COLUMBIA, APRIL 15-16, 2005 Introduction: First of all, I would like to express my gratitude and heartfelt thanks to the conference organizers for inviting me to this important gathering of good Christians