Forced Labor Continues in Chin State

forced_labor.jpg Forced labor is the most common form of human rights violations that is still being practiced in Chin State on a widespread scale. This picture shows shackled convicts being forced to perform hard labor to construct a road in Chin State. Civilians also have to regularly perform forced labor on similar government projects.

Rhododendron publication – VOL.I No. VI DECEMBER 1998

PREVENTING FROM RUNNING SELF-SUPPORT PRIVATE SCHOOL In remote areas of Chin State, especially along the border with India and Bangladesh, many villages do not have a government school. Parents in these remote villages are usually poor and cannot afford sending their children to another bigger village or a town school. Therefore, the villagers themselves, sometimes

Rhododendron publication – VOL.I No. II AUGUST 1998

VOL.I No. II AUGUST 1998 CHINS FACE THREAT OF LANDMINES The Chin people have been facing life-threatening China-made landmines planted by the Burma Army LIB(36) and (379) since June 1997. The most affected region is in the border areas of Bangladesh-Burma, especially in the Paletwa township of southern Chinland and southern Indo-Burma border areas of