Message from Myanmar Accountability Project

In Myanmar’s long quest for justice and accountability, victims must always be front and centre, and that is why the tireless work of CHRO is so vitally important. CHRO’s investigation and documentation initiatives allow victims of atrocity crimes to tell their truths, validate their narratives and make that transformative journey from victims of crimes to

CHRO’s Salai Mang Hre Lian Honored With US State Department Annual Global Human Rights Defenders Award

The Secretary of State’s Human Rights Defender Award recognizes eight individuals who have demonstrated leadership and courage promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms around the world.  The Award celebrates courageous individuals who press every day for respect for the human rights of all people. Mang Hre Lian has spent his life working in different capacities to promote human

Making News Stories

CHRO is pleased to present a collection news coverage of our work by local, national, regional and international news media organizations, in reverse chronological order, since 2021 military coup on the human rights and humanitarian situation in Chin State and Burma.

Caught Red-Handed

Junta soldiers caught in the acts of committing arson in Thantlang on November 26, 2021. The soldiers are seen running around the street torching multiple houses in Seikpyoye Ward of Thanglang, in the neighborhood adjacent to where they are comping at the Natala School compound (building rows above the street

Thantlang Under Attacks

One of the last persons to leave Thantlang as it was burning on October 29 describes what he saw on the day more than 190 houses in Thantlang, a town of over 10,000 residents, were burned to the ground.   (I remained in Thantlang because I needed to keep my mother company as she refused