Rhododendron publication – VOL.II No.V MAY 1999

Forced labor In Thantlang, Chin State The Burmese army in the Thangtlang area, Chin State, continuously forced the villagers including men and women, the old and young, the pastors, the teachers and students without attending school, to build the car road (50 miles long) between Vuangtu village and Thantlang town from dawn to 11:00 Pm

Rhododendron publication – VOL.II No.I JANUARY 1999

VOL.II No.I JANUARY 1999 NO EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES (Interview with two Chin students, conducted in New Delhi on 14.7.1998) Since December 1996, throughout Burma, all colleges and universities were shut down by the military junta, in response to students’ demonstrations in Rangoon. Up to now, most of the colleges and universities remained closed, and most students