
CHRO works with a variety of private and institutional donors and agencies. We also receive supports from diaspora Chin communities and faith-based organizations from different countries around the world. A list of current and past funding partners and organizations may only be provided on request due to the sensitive nature of CHRO’s work.

Alliance & Network

Chin Human Rights Organization works with local, national, regional and international groups on a range of issues. At the Chin State level, CHRO works with a variety of local partners and has built strong relationship with academic institution, media, civil society, religious and community-based organizations from across the nine townships in the State, as well

Program Structure

To adapt to the evolving needs and the new operating and security environment following the February 2021 military coup, CHRO has reorganized its operational structure to better reflect current realities. We have restructured into two primary divisions: the Human Rights Division and the Humanitarian Division, allowing us to address the dual challenges of human rights

Governing Structure

To be updated soon. CHARTER OF THE ORGANIZATION To be updated soon POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Over the years, based on organizational experience and necessity from growth, CHRO has developed a set of policies and procedures regulating how we function and operate as an organization. The following policies and procedures, which are subject to periodic review


CHRO is pleased to announce the release of the 2019 Annual Human Rights Report covering the situation of human rights facing the Chin people living in Chin State & western Burma/Myanmar over a one-year period. Please share it widely!

5 More Civilians Disappear in Paletwa

Five more persons, including a pregnant woman, are missing in Paletwa Township, a local villager told CHRO. On 5th October 2019, U Ku Hawi (23) and his wife Daw Than Dar Oo (25) from Thaya Kone Village disappeared from their farm, approximately 1 hours walk from their house. Daw Than Dar Oo had gone in search of U Ku...

More Civilians go missing in Paletwa Township

After the victims failed to show up that evening the Namada Village Administrator and the Bawng Wa Village Tract Administrator and I went out in search of them. Midway between Namada and Bawng Wah Villages, we found a motorcycle lying in the ditch on the side of the road. We rushed to inspect the spot but there was no...

Order issued by Mindat General Administration Officer to ask for prior permission before holding religious ceremonies, trainings and workshops

On 24th Jan, 2019 the Township Administration officer from Mindat General Administrative Department, Southern Chin State, issued an order that permission needed to be applied for two weeks in advance in order to hold religious ceremonies and trainings, meetings, workshops by INGO/NGOs, reported by a local to the Chin Human Rights Organization.