28 September 2007

The Chin Human Rights Organizations denounces the SPDC’s recent crackdowns and killings of peaceful protestors and religious leaders in Burma. CHRO also sends messages of support and encouragement to all the brave and courageous men and women of Burma who are currently rising up against the military regime. In support of the protestors, CHRO calls on the SPDC to lay down their arms, release the innocently imprisoned, and allow all those in Burma to live in peace and with dignity.


Over the past several weeks, protests have gained momentum throughout Burma. Spurred by the sudden and arbitrary rise in fuel prices on 19 August 2007, thousands of monks and religious leaders took to the streets to engage in peaceful marches. Following the lead of the monks, protests have spread throughout the country. In Chinland and in other parts of Burma, the Chin people have joined calls for democracy and peaceful change in Burma.


Unfortunately, the peaceful demands of the monks and people have been met with unrestrained violence and aggression by the military regime. Starting two days ago, the regime have begun raiding monasteries, arresting and beating monks, shooting unarmed protestors, and committing extensive human rights abuses.


As a result of the regime’s reaction to the protests, many are believed to be dead and many more injured or imprisoned. Yesterday two elected Chin MPs, Pu Cin Sian Thang of the Zomi National Congress and Pu Thawng Kho Thang of the United Nationalities League for Democracy, were caught up in the raids when they were taken from their homes and put under arrest. There is no way to know the number of people who have become victims of the regime’s retaliation.


For decades the people of Burma have suffered brutal oppression, human rights violations, and severe restrictions on fundamental freedoms at the hands of the military regime. For too long the people of Burma have lived under severe oppression and military rule. Let this be the time for change in Burma!


To the people inside Burma, please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Your struggles are not in vain- the world is watching.


To the SPDC and the Generals of Burma:


· Lay down your arms and let the voices of the people of Burma to be heard without obstruction


· Release all those innocently imprisoned, including the elected democratic leaders of Burma, Buddhist monks and religious leaders, and all others wrongly detained


· Engage in constructive dialogue with opposition parties, ethnic leaders, and others


· Allow the people of Burma to live with full and complete access to freedom, prosperity, and peace


To the International Community:


· Write or call your government officials and representatives and urge them to speak out against the military regime of Burma


· Show support for the protestors in Burma by joining or organizing protests in your area against the military regime of Burma


To ASEAN nations, China, and India:


· Burma is a threat to regional peace. Use your influence to affect positive change in the Burma


· Stop supporting the military regime through investments and trade


· Protect and promote the rights of refugees coming from Burma


For More Information Please Contact:


In Thailand: Amy Alexander, CHRO Regional Advocacy Officer, at Tel: 66-85-2302-609, email: [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it


In N. America: Salai Bawi Lian, CHRO Director, at Tel: 510-332-0983, email: [email protected] e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it